My Favorite Quote:

"I may be a freak, but I am unique"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Joy for Everybody!

HELLO TO EVERYBODY WHO DOES NOT COME ON MY BLOG! If you missed the game between Portugal and Brazil (or the one with North Korea and Ivory Coast), well-have no fear-I am here to fill you in! Okay, I didn't watch the North Korea game with Ivory Coast, but I do know that Ivory coast won (three to nothing!), but unfortunately they will not be going to the round of 16.
Portugal had to make a win or a tie with Brazil. The game was intense and aggressive-with seven yellow cards given-in the first half, but once second half came by some goals could have been made but the goal keepers worked really hard to keep the ball out of the goal. With a frustrated coach from Brazil and made a few substitutions hoping that Brazil would make a goal (even though they already made it to the round of 16).
The final score 0-0; a tie game! Which means Portugal has made it to the round of 16, with Brazil! Also at the end the team players changed their jerseys with each other (which gave me my wish, and some of the ladies, like me, something to look at)! All together it was all a great match and something to watch! I can't wait until the end of the day to find out who Portugal is going to play against next Tuesday!

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